
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Emily Wallace - Systemising the Rehab Continuum
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
Hello Virtus Family! Welcome back to the Virtus Podcast!
Today’s guest, Emily Wallace, an osteopath by trade has an invested interest in rehabilitation, in particular, sports performance. Em currently applies her trade at Infinite Fitness Peninsula in Cranbourne leading their performance-based rehab program.
Em is a graduate of the Virtus Internship program (well back in the day now…) and has gone on to wonderful things in the industry which has been amazing to watch from afar. A well overdue conversation and podcast so we were stoked to get it done.
Another highly valuable chat with many takeaways for up & coming, developing and experienced athletes, coaches & clinicians.
See below links to access Em's & IFP's socials:
- https://www.instagram.com/emwallace_sportsrehab/
- https://www.instagram.com/infinitefitnesspeninsula/
- https://www.instagram.com/ifp.performance.rehab/

Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
The Weekly Wrap #1
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
This week, Tyler, Mitch and Lachie spoke briefly about our testing and goal setting weeks, Run Club, what's been happening throughout their lives, The Virtus team retreat, and the Run for the kids which took place this weekend gone. Hopefully you enjoy this because there's plenty more where this came from!

Monday Mar 27, 2023
George Fletcher - Resiliency
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Hello Virtus Family! Welcome back to the Virtus Podcast!
Today’s guest, George Fletcher, is a favourite amongst the Virtus clients and a regular here on the gym floor. George's path to Virtus like many others comes from a background of injuries and setbacks but is coming out the other end now onto hopefully a successful year for the Peninsula Old Boys in the VAFA.
The topic of resiliency with elicit different responses from different people so listen to how George approaches life, training and injuries on this episode along with many exciting aspects of George's world including a not to distant wedding, football, friendships and golf.
I loved every minute of sitting with George and diving deeper into George's world so I hope you do too!

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023

Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Brad Sykes - Curating Youth Development
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Hello Virtus Family! Welcome back to the Virtus Podcast!
Huge guest this week! Been on my list of ‘People I want to podcast & connect with’ for a very, very long time and i’m so glad we got it done.
Certified Bossman at Brad Sykes Sport Consulting who specialises in sports community programs aiming to enhance childrens’ lives through sport. Such an amazing business to help shape the future of our kids in sport!!
Offering programs such as in-person training programs for skill/sport/physical development, mindset and mental health sessions, school holiday clinics and many other amazing programs.
This conversation could have gone on for hours (and it did post-podcast @ 11pm…) so I hope you all enjoy this as much as I did.
See below links to access Brad’s & his businesses socials:
- https://bssports.com.au/
- https://www.instagram.com/bssportsconsulting/
- https://www.instagram.com/bradleyjamessykes/

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023

Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Campbell McIver - Why I Love Mountain Bike Riding
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Hello Virtus Family! Welcome back to the Virtus Podcast!
Another elite human on my list of ‘People I want to podcast & connect with’ for a very, very long time and i’m so glad we got it done.
Two-time Virtus intern, Gym Manager at Infinite Fitness Peninsula and extreme sport-loving human. Campbell has done some really cool shit in his life to date and has many exciting things on the horizon so watch this space!
See below links to access Campbell's & IFP's socials:

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
A lot happening here! No Tyler this week but gained two more beautiful humans in DJ Jazzy Jeff aka Jazzalicious aka Jazzington and Georgia. Mitch is 16 days into 75 hard but managed an ankle roll on a bike? Run club on easter sunday! Jazz 100% mocked her mother ! (just joking sarah xo) Great week!

Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Checking-In with Tyler and Laf
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Tyler and Matt LaFontaine catch up for the first time in a couple of months and decide to record it for the podcast! The boys check-in with each other's mental health, chat new and exciting work opportunities for Laf, break-ups, and think back to the last time they both cried.
If you want to listen to Laf's first episode where we dive into his life, upbringing, and moving to WA, you can listen HERE: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0gkf29lpcK4jaa8LpDzshQ?si=bc95d3da207149d7
0:00 - Mitch’s car getting stolen
0:42 - Introduction
2:28 - Footy talk
5:20 - Laf’s new job with Speak & Share
10:01 - Mental Health check-in
18:18 - Gratitude & why do we avoid things that are good for us?
23:41 - Self-doubt & comparison (Firefighter applications)
26:02 - Where do you find the motivation to keep improving?
31:48 - Laf’s spontaneous 50km Run
38:40 - Time Management
44:02 - When was the last time you cried?
Virtus Junior Athlete Development Seminar TICKETS: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/608922291967
Virtus Performance - https://www.instagram.com/virtusperformance/
Tyler Frost - https://www.instagram.com/totumstrength/

Monday Apr 17, 2023
#5 Euro Trip, 75 Hard, and Lachie’s back running
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
The podcast people have been waiting for... joking Tyler x
This week's catch-up was predominantly Tyler filling us in on his plans for his Euro Trip, Lachie's update on his bum calf, and most importantly; the upcoming "Bring A Friend Week"!